Coq au Vin

Really tatsy and hearty winter DishSimple to make and although it seems extravagant to use Wine like this (we’re not in France!!)  use an inexpensive red or up the amount of stock.

Incredibly Tasty and simple. Mouthwateringly Tender Dish


Preparation time: 15mins

Cooking time 4-5 hours


1.5kgs of Chicken pieces ( make sure thighs are seperated from legs so pieces are not too big)

3 Rashers

4 spring onions, chopped

4 small onions, sliced

olive oil for frying

250g of button mushrooms

2 cloves of garlic, crushed

1 tbsp of dried thyme

8 small potatoes, scrubbed and halved

1 cup of red wine

1 cup of chicken stock

A small bunch of parsley,


1. Remove the skin frim the chicken pieces. Fry the chicken pieces in the inner pot until well browned on all sides.

2. Remove the chicken pieces and place them to one side.

3. In the same pot brown the bacon and spring onions and then remove them to one side.

4. Place the onions, mushrooms and garlic into the inner pot.

5. Add the chicken, rashers, spring onion, thyme, potatoes, wine, stock, salt and pepper to taste.

6. Bring the contents to the boil, turn down the heat and simmer for 10mins.

7. Turn off the heat and transfer to the outer Thermal Pot, close the lid and cook for 3-4.

Serve with Crusty bread or more potato…mashed this time!! Sprinkle with chopped flatleaf parsley.

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