About The Thermal Chef

The Thermal "Slow" Cooker

So, who is the Thermal Chef?  Well, it’s me, a  Dublin lad, who found this Thermal slow cooker when I was travelling in Asia. There and not unlike Ireland, they are big fans of the “one pot wonder” and although famed for their quick flash fried tasty food, Slow cooking is equally important for their soups and curries. Gas and electricity are often expensive to slow cook with so this highly efficient energy saving cooker is perfect for the job. Basically its a highly energy- effecient Slow Cooker.

I bought some samples home and gave to friends and family to trial and the feedback was super. The Method of cooking lends itself to delicious, brilliantly tender and tasty food. Slow cooked food without the Supervision!
Those that have used it (including Hugo Arnold, Paolo Tullio and Ernie Whalley) have all sung its praises – (it’s in the testimonials!)

It cooks brilliantly – meat in the recipes cooks to perfection and falls off the bone. Poultry and pork are succelent when serving and unlike electric slow cookers, vegetables retain their fresh taste, texture and shape.
With all the good feedback I figured I’d make a go of it as a small Irish business venture  truly happy customers have made it all worth while!
Yes it pays some of the bills, but importantly for me I’m promoting a product that cooks brilliantly,  healthily and  saves energy. It’s a smart and ultra green appliance.

For the science and engineering behind how it works follow this link to the official sales site where all is explained in detail: http://www.thermalchef.com/thermalcooking.html

Slow cooking is a passion of mine and I’m starting to upload recipes regularly to the Blog spot.

I’m also a sustainable living advocate and  reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible. Equally I understand that for us all, our lives are busy and cluttered these days, and  anything that makes “green or sustainable living” easier and more convenient to achieve is a winner. For example during the last 2 winter cold snaps of 2010/11 we endured, it was  not an option to turn down the heating and bill shock were inevitable when they arrived in the post!  But we can save energy in the kitchen by using a highly energy efficient appliances such as the Thermal Chef.

So the blog!…right now its not the snazziest out there (we gotta start somewhere!) but if you’ve bought a Thermal-Chef or are considering it, I know it’s important to have a good repertoire of recipes to make sure it gets good use throughout the year. Its completely portable so for example my uncle uses one on his boat to save on using the galley gas. We took it to festivals, our friend to their holiday homes and we use it when travelling to friends and family for nosh-ups.

If you have the time, let me know what you think. Also if you’re a Thermal-Chef user and hopefully a fan, I’d love for you to post any ideas/recipes you may have to share with us all. It’s only by listening to you all that I can make it a Blog site worth visiting.


The Thermal Chef

  1. Great blog article.Much thanks again. Will read on…

    • Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. Sorry for the big delay in replying. Have been negotiating with new suppliers to relaunch the Thermal Chef and looking to market it in the US!! Watch this space

  2. Really appreciate you sharing this blog article. Awesome.

    • Thanks for the encouraging words. Always good to get positive feedback! Sorry for the big delay in replying. Have been negotiating with new suppliers to relaunch the Thermal Chef and looking to market it in the US!! Watch this space

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