Rosemary & Irish Lamb Casseolette

Rosemary and Irish Lamb is a match made in heaven! – We got a taste of spring weather this week so Lamb and new potatoes feature in this recipe.

Rosemay & Lamb - like a celebrity wedding!


300g small potatoes 

500g Lean Irish Lamb (cubed)

4 carrots, sliced into chunks
1 onion, finely diced
1 red pepper, finely diced
2 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 lamb stock cube
water to cover other ingredients
salt and freshly ground black

Tin of chopped Tomatoes


1.     Put all the ingredients into the inner pot with enough water just to cover the contents

2.     Bring to the boil

3. Turn down the heat and simmer for 12 minutes
with the lid on.
4. Turn off the heat and transfer the inner pot into
the vacuum-insulated outer container.
5. Close the lid and leave to cook for a minimum of
3 hours. If you leave it longer it will only improve. 


6. Before serving, check the seasoning and add salt
and pepper if needed.


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